Sunday, June 22, 2008

Flaming Gorge

So, went to Flaming Gorge this weekend. Isaac, John, Heath, Doc and I started the trip around 7:30 friday night after loading Johns Suburben with all our shit. What should have been a 3-3 1/2 hour trip turned into a long and tedious 5 1/2 hour gotthereat1inthefuckingmorning joyride. Ride out there aside it was a great time. We hung out and drank and ate till 3:30 in the morning. Me and Ike strapped a couple of hammocks to the Suberben and a near by tree, John slept inside the Suberben and Doc and Heath took the tent with the queen sized inflatable mattress. Woke up the next day at 7:30. Yup, 4 hours of sleep. Tho thats better than John, my alarm on my phone decided to wake him up at 6:44. Well, we cleaned up camp, and headed to the lake. I gota say, we had a blast! The water was pretty clear and if you stayed above 20 ft was actually pretty comfortable. And the sky was amazing! There were these whispy clouds all day. We took 3 or so hours in the first spot and about 2 on our second dive and i think we ended up with about 23+ fish that we decided to keep and 2 carp that were around 20 pounds each. Why did we get the carp you ask? Cus we needed pictures to prove we could get fish that big with a stick! Thats why! Any way, we made good time coming back and we all agree we need to find a place that is closer so we can go more often.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Newborn Photos

Lori, a lady i work with, just became a grandma (again) and i had the opportunity to to photograph her son, daughter in-law and the new baby and it was so fun! He is so damn cute and even tho he was kinda fussy at times we got some great shots. It was my first time shooting a newborn so the poses were a little rough but the experience was invaluable! This was something that i could actually stand to do on a semi regular basis and enjoy...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday Hike

Went on a hike today with Isaac and he took me up to a place by Squaw Peak that he found while riding his bike. There are all of these trees that have been burned and are just crisspy black. So cool. It was a perfect weather for a hike and i would like to think i got some cool pictures out of the deal and its always fun to hang out with Isaac.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Desolation Canyon River Trip '08

Two days back, nearly 500 pictures and a sun burned shoulder and im already missing it... This year was so great! It was a small group this year, just Dad, Kim, their friends John and Nikki, Taylor, Brady, Kevin, and me. We
 couldnt have asked for more
 perfect weather. It was nothing but sun but it wasnt scorching
 hot. The river was running high and fast, the highest we have ever seen in fact. It has been high in previous years, something like 1500-1700 whatevertheymesureitins but this year it was around 2100-2300 depending on the day. We ended up staying at a lot of familiar places and seeing familiar sights. This year at cold creak we did the two mile hike to some petroglyphs i have never been two before. It was a lot of fun but it was pretty detrimental to Kevin and Taylor as we had dawned our short shorts for the hike and they failed to get enough sunscreen on t
hem... Oops... This was the most open trip i have ever been on with my dad. Nothing was held
 back. Their boat drank, me and keven drank. Dirty jokes came out, the fuck word was used in execs by EVERYONE. It was just... true. Taylor and I saw a side of our dad that we knew existed
 but he was always carful to 
keep from us in a "my kids dont need to be exposed to me talking
 and drinking like this yet" sorta way. I guess it seemed like a right of passage in a way. We are both growing up and coming into our own and i think he knows that we love our dad no matter what and in no way do we look down on him for swearing or drinking or anything else. All in all it was just a good all around bonding trip. My little brother is growing up so damn fast and i am so glad he still makes time to come on the river! It just wouldnt have been the same without him there. I absolutely loved the late night pow wows with Kevin, Brady, Tay, and me... I liked it even more when Kevin and Brady whent on a "nature hike" and me and Tay got some alone time. It really makes me want to go on some type of trip with just him... I cant wait till next year.