So, went to Flaming Gorge this weekend. Isaac, John, Heath, Doc and I started the trip around 7:30 friday night after loading Johns Suburben with all our shit. What should have been a 3-3 1/2 hour trip turned into a long and tedious 5 1/2 hour gotthereat1inthefuckingmorning joyride. Ride out there aside it was a great time. We hung out and drank and ate till 3:30 in the morning. Me and Ike strapped a couple of hammocks to the Suberben and a near by tree, John slept inside the Suberben and Doc and Heath took the tent with the queen sized inflatable mattress. Woke up the next day at 7:30. Yup, 4 hours of sleep. Tho thats better than John, my alarm on my phone decided to wake him up at 6:44. Well, we cleaned up camp, and headed to the lake. I gota say, we had a blast! The water was pretty clear and if you stayed above 20 ft was actually pretty comfortable. And the sky was amazing! There were these whispy clouds all day. We took 3 or so hours in the first spot and about 2 on our second dive and i think we ended up with about 23+ fish that we decided to keep and 2 carp that were around 20 pounds each. Why did we get the carp you ask? Cus we needed pictures to prove we could get fish that big with a stick! Thats why! Any way, we made good time coming back and we all agree we need to find a place that is closer so we can go more often.