How sad. Last night i went on a hike up provo canyon with Annette and from our vantage point we could see the Bridalveil Falls Building that i hiked up to on a previous entry. I told her how much fun it was and what i hike it takes to get there and that i couldnt wait to go back up soon. The night went on and we eventually got hungry and as i was cooking dinner i got a call from by buddy kevin: "yea so, um, i was drivin down provo canyon and my sister said 'look, theres a fire' and sure as shit, the Bridalveil building was on fire". it sounded to surreal as we had just seen that building earlier that night so after we ate we went up the canyon to see for our selves and thats when it set it hard. that building is gone. it was such a mesmerizing sight. i have never been so bummed out and so drawn in before. as a purely visual experience it was amazing, as there was very little burning around the building other than chunks that had fallen off. but its still so strange to think that its gone. so i guess the next hike up will be to visit the remains...
all is flux; nothing stays still.
I really think this might be the saddest picture I've ever seen. That was one of my favorite hikes of my life. I hate punk teenagers.
Woah no way! I can't believe it. That picture is unreal. So sad.
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